Here you can find information about the projects, which I am involved with at the moment. There is also information about the books that I have published.
Susanne "Alle" Snellman
After my son was born (1989) my life changed drastically, not just because I became a mother, but because I had a totally new challenge ahead of me. My son was born with a profound hearing-impairment - a challenge both for him and me. Already when my son was an infant, my hunger for information about hearing-impairment emerged.
I wanted to help my son. I knew there were other parents in similar situations that needed the same information and encouragement that I so badly had needed before. It felt natural to pass on to others the knowledge that I had gained during the years.
My passion - painting
My books
My son also was the best and dearest inspiration for the books I have written;
Lunttikirja - en handbok i finsk grammatik (2005) and
Hjälp - en elev med hörselskada i min klass! (2007)
Apua-kuulovammainen oppilas luokassani! (2007)
My father, Kaj G. Forss Ph.D.
The nature and reactions of lignin - a new paradigm (Kaj G. Forss and Kaj-Erik Fremer). I do it with the deepest gratitude to him.